
What is EPSS? How does it promote your business performance?

The purpose of Electronic Performance Support Systems is to provide just-in-time training and integrate the learning experience with the operational experience.

EPSS (Electronic Performance Support Systems) is a computer-based tool that seeks to improve business performance. With intuitive and easy-to-use software, this method of performance support has become easily accessible today. 

Electronic Performance Support Systems aims to provide just-in-time training and integrate the learning experience with operational expertise. An EPSS acts as a trainer, guiding users throughout its process, and can replace formal training. 

In this article, you will understand what EPSS is, its features, and how to promote your business performance with EPSS.

What is EPSS (Electronic Performance Support Systems)?

Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS) refers to “an integrated electronic environment” available to and easily accessible by every employee. 

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It is designed to offer immediate, individualized online access to the full range of information, software, guidance, advice, assistance, data, images, tools, assessment, and monitoring systems to enable job performance with little aid from intervention by others.

Simply put, an EPSS is the electronic infrastructure that can provide straightforward procedural steps and advice for a specific task that an individual has to perform. It captures, stores, and distributes individual and corporate knowledge assets throughout an organization to enable individuals to acquire standard performance output fastest and with minor support from others.

In the moment of need, the aim of EPSS is employed to deliver whatever is required to produce performance and learning. The degree to which an EPSS integrates information, tools, and methods for its users sets it apart from other types of systems.

Electronic Performance Support Systems ensure that the decision-maker or process performer receives the most relevant support information at the right time. They also offer previously arranged and distilled knowledge via an efficient distribution method. It enables users to start with essential functions and advance to more complicated ones.

Essential features of EPSS

An EPSS has the following essential features:

  • Computer-based: This feature has been indicated through the term “electronic” in its name.
  • Access during performing a task: EPSS provides access to discrete, specific information needed to perform a task at the time the task is to be performed. It comprises access to the exact information required to complete a task and entry to the data it is completed.
  • Used on the job: An EPSS provides information to people on the job they do or in simulations or other job practices.
  • Fast access to information: An EPSS provides quick access to the needed information and avoids irrelevant information.
  • Controlled by the staff: The staff can determine when and what information is necessary. As a result, there is no requirement for an instructor, as the needs of the task guide the personnel. 
  • Minimize the demand for prior training: With EPSS, all the information needed to perform a task is available, so it minimizes the request for initial training to accomplish the task in most cases.
  • Can be updated easily and quickly: This system’s nature necessitates that EPSS supply all the information required to complete a task. This necessitates that EPSS be simply and rapidly updatable to maintain the information’s accuracy and timeliness. The computer-based nature of EPSS makes its updating process easier and quicker than other media, such as print, audio, and video, in certain respects.
  • Allow different levels of knowledge in users: To expedite information access and comprehension, an EPSS can provide basic information for people who do not desire specifics. In contrast, hypertext links in databases and optional lessons offer specifics to those who prefer more information.
  • Allow different learning styles: An EPSS may accommodate users with diverse learning styles through the use of multimedia, hence optimizing learning. Similar information can be displayed in written, visual, or aural formats, depending on the user’s preference.

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Advantages of EPSS depending

The preceding characteristics of EPSS aid in identifying its benefits. The most notable advantages are the capacity to provide rapid access to information, personalization, and reduced human support. This approach is highly efficient for training individuals. It assists the user in accomplishing a predetermined task by the program’s instructions.

Other Electronic Performance Support System benefits are described below:

  • Cost-effective.
  • Simple to use.
  • Intuitive and learner-friendly.
  • Save time for users.
  • Easier and faster learning and working processes.

EPSS is particularly effective for businesses where experienced personnel must train and manage new staff, which causes the company’s working operations to lose productivity. 

In addition, they may need to pay external trainers to teach their new personnel, which is quite expensive. However, EPSS addresses these issues by providing a low-cost performance measurement tool.

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Challenges of EPSS

Despite its many opportunities, computer infrastructure, knowledge management, and usability can be among the early obstacles presented by EPSS. The focus should be placed on the computer infrastructure when implementing a new EPSS. 

To facilitate the organization and delivery of content, EPSS requires an established computer infrastructure. Electronic Performance Support Systems appear to be a viable option when an established computer infrastructure is lacking.

In addition, knowledge management poses a significant challenge for EPSS. To effectively employ an EPSS, knowledge must be chunked and structured based on specific performance tasks, not learning objectives. Therefore, instructors or trainers unfamiliar with the operational aspect of performance assignments might circumvent some initial obstacles.

Finally, EPSS can impede the implementation of proven teaching practices. This is especially essential when EPSS is substituted for conventional education. Even though an EPSS provides performance help, it can be challenging to set a suitable amount of learning support at different phases due to the changing complexity of components. Numerous things may be well-planned, while others may be designed haphazardly. Therefore, people who plan to substitute EPSS for conventional training should conduct additional research in this area.

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How does Opus help promote your business performance?

Opus is a product of Epilogue Systems, which helps enhance the performance of your workforce with effective technology solutions. Opus is the easiest and fastest way to create help and guidance for end-users and training resources for your business and other critical applications. It helps to onboard new users immediately with step-by-step guidance.

Opus may record a complete application job or process in as few minutes as it takes to complete it, whether it has 20 steps or 100. Opus automatically creates a broad range of outputs for various uses from these “recordings.”

Opus creates an evolution of digital adoption. It gains valuable insights into user and team platform use and training requests across your enterprise tech stack. 

Making data-driven decisions on application deployments and upgrades may be done using this extra business knowledge, which can also be used to verify the ROI of corporate applications. 

To see how Opus can help promote your business performance, visit Opus by Epilogue Systems for more exploration.


We hope this article helps you better understand what EPSS is and how it can be implemented.

Electronic Performance Support Systems offer a range of abilities and have remained a prevalent performance support tool since the early 90s. This excellent method is the best support for just-in-time training and can also be used for extra learning. 

Electronic Performance Support Systems should include performance and learning support elements when replacing formal training. With advances in technology, the use of Electronic Performance Support Systems has broadened, making them a valuable tool that can be leveraged to enhance the performance of your business. 

If you want to implement EPSS for your company, you can consider Opus to help. Check out our website to see more helpful knowledge about technology and our modern digital adoption for your business.

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