Computer-Based Training

Computer-Based Training: Definition, Benefits and Cost

Computer-based training (CBT) is a type of eLearning that uses computers to deliver instructional content. CBT can be used to train employees on new software programs, company policies, or safety procedures. It is also an effective way to retain knowledge and provide refresher training.

Computer-based training (CBT) has been around for years, but it is still a relatively new concept compared to traditional instructor-led training. CBT is a type of eLearning that delivers learning content and exercises over the Internet or through a company’s local area network.

computer-based training

Here we will look at the computer-based training definition, the benefits of computer-based training and several variations of this tech. Keep going!

What is Computer-Based Training (CBT)?

Computer-based training (CBT) is a type of eLearning that uses computers to deliver instructional content. CBT can be used to train employees on new software programs, company policies, or safety procedures. It is also an effective way to retain knowledge and provide refresher training.

CBT can be employed to teach practically any subject feasible, although it is particularly good among studies involving computers. People frequently use CBT to learn how to use a specific computer program, like Microsoft Excel, or to learn a programming language, like Visual Basic.

Unlike traditional classroom-based instruction, CBT allows employees to learn at their own pace and in their environment. This makes it a particularly popular choice for busy professionals who want to continue learning without sacrificing time away from work. CBT also has the potential to save organizations money by reducing the need for travel and instructor salaries.

Pros and Cons of Computer-Based Training


  • Self-paced learning – There is no time limit on how fast the associate must grasp the content. If the associate is knowledgeable about the subject, they can proceed quickly. More time may be needed if the material is harder. This greatly improves each person’s training experience.
  • Recordkeeping process – A database tracking system keeps track of each associate’s training module completions. Additionally, the outcomes of examinations and quizzes can be recorded to show how well the subject has been retained.
  • Flexibility – From a scheduling perspective, CBT offers significant benefits. There are no problems with group schedules so everyone can attend a training session. The training is typically offered around the clock, and employees can participate without leaving the workplace.
  • Less instructor training – In many corporations, the instructional strategy is frequently to “train the trainer.” High-level department directors are typically the ones who receive the initial training; however, they must spend a lot of time learning the material before presenting it to others. This frequently leads to an expensive and inefficient training procedure.
  • Frequent updates – With CBT, it’s possible to adjust the content whenever necessary. Updated material would typically only be included once a year in regular classroom training. On the other hand, CBT enables real-time updates.
  • Consistent content – When using classroom training, several instructors may deliver the content slightly differently. Meanwhile, everyone hears the same message when using CBT.
  • A large number of learners in a short period – We are aware of a company that was required by a CIA directive to train more than 1,600 personnel in 120 days. This would have been extremely difficult to do with a conventional classroom teaching method. These demanding criteria were effectively addressed by adopting CBT.
Computer-Based Training


  • Accessibility Accessibility is a major drawback of CBT. Even though it’s hard for most of us to imagine, not everyone has access to a computer terminal at work or at home. Although this issue can be solved, making CBT mandatory for everyone could have a big impact.
  • Lack of human interaction – There is no denying that traditional classroom training provides face-to-face learning, which many individuals find more comfortable. People prefer to ask questions and receive prompt responses. There is immediate response on concerns and other discussion topics in a classroom setting. This atmosphere also aids in preventing misunderstandings.

Computer-Based Training Examples

Let’s examine a few instances of computer-based training that major corporations have used to train and upskill their staff.


E-learning is built on formalized learning that has been electronically organized. It is available in a variety of formats, including online courses and videos, which the students can access on any digital device. Since it enables professionals to improve and refine their abilities regardless of their time and location, it is recognized as one of the best computer-based training examples.



A presenter who has been assigned to this computer-based training will cover particular subjects or provide examples of processes. The broadcast can include interactive slides and pre-recorded videos in addition to a live video feed. To make this exercise engaging and more involved, breakout sessions, polls, and surveys are frequently used.

Video training

Video training, in its simplest form, refers to a training technique where content is provided in a video format. If you want to teach your team how to handle a specific procedure, task, or issue, this is the best computer-based training example to use.

This is mainly because most students who are exposed to moving pictures, music, and text are more capable at understanding these subjects. Learners can record and replay video training sessions whenever they need to review or recall subjects.

Key Differences between Computer-Based Training (CBT) and Web-Based Training (WBT)

training systems

The main distinction between CBT and WBT is that WBT is a form of CBT that makes use of Internet technology and comprises application software on the Web. Whereas, computer-based training, or CBT, is any course that will be delivered by computer.

WBT is frequently used in combination with other materials for e-learning and remote learning. Distance learning is the delivery of education at one location while learning occurs at other locations.

The term “e-learning,” which stands for “electronic learning,” refers to the process of delivering education through a digital medium, such as the Internet, networks, or optical discs. E-learning systems may also feature video conferencing, email, blogs, wikis, newsgroups, chat rooms, and groupware to improve communications.

To conclude

CBT has proven to be an effective training tool in a variety of settings. If you are looking for a cost-effective and efficient way to train your employees, CBT may be the right solution for you. Contact Epilogue Systems today to learn more about how computer-based training can benefit your business.

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