instruction-led training

What Is Instructor-Led Training? Pros, Cons and Differences with CBT

Instructor-led training is one of the most traditional ways of teaching, which is still quite effective in today’s technologically advanced society. Because of this, we think instructor-led training will always be useful for learning and growth – all you need to do is make it right.

Instructor-led training is one of the most traditional ways of teaching, which is still quite effective in today’s technologically advanced society. Because of this, we think instructor-led training will always be useful for learning and growth – all you need to do is make it right.

instruction-led training

However, setting up an instructor-led training program is difficult. Several things must be taken care of, and it is simple to miss crucial elements. This blog will cover everything you need to know about Instructor-Led Training to apply it perfectly to your organization.

What Is Instructor-Led Training (ILT)?

First of all, let’s find out what instructor-led training is.

Any training that is facilitated by an instructor, whether it be online or in a classroom environment, is referred to as instructor-led training (ILT). An engaging workshop that provides for the on-site skill practice or remotely utilizes video conferencing capabilities can all be in the form of instructor-led instruction.

ILT is a great option for businesses that need to train employees on extremely complicated subjects, need hands-on interactive learning, value face-to-face connection, and have the time for learners to immerse knowledge in multi-day training sessions.

It is typically employed to train a group. By doing this, you may train numerous employees in a given hour of instructor time. One-on-one instruction is another option, but it can be pricey.

Although ILT can be delivered in person or online, it’s crucial that the learners can communicate with the instructor in real-time for interaction, feedback as well as discussion.

Instructor-led training examples

ILT can be conducted in a variety of ways:

  • Webinar: A video conference held online
  • One-to-one: One instructor and one learner
  • Small Group: In a classroom, a small group of students is led by a single instructor.
  • Lecture: A huge group of learners is led by one instructor
  • Workshop: Practical instruction
instruction-led training examples

After Covid-19, in 2022, the world began to return to normal. It necessitates changing our training methodology because people are yearning for face-to-face interaction. This time, a blended learning strategy utilizing various delivery methods will be used, such as in-person, real-time webinars, live online workshops, tests, videos, podcasts, and surveys.

The best way to keep your learners engaged and retain information is to alternate between lectures, discussions, activities, and hands-on practices.

Here are some examples to use in your training session:

  • Icebreakers are used to introduce students to their instructors and peers.
  • Discussions and debates in groups
  • Solving problems in small groups or pairs
  • Role-playing
  • Assessments and quizzes

Pros and Cons of Instructor-Led Training


Professional learning environment: Distractions cause learners’ attention spans to drop. They are less likely to be persuaded to check their email, browse social media, or work on something else when there is a designated location for learning and instruction.

There are many distracting factors for employees in an 8-hour working day, and an ideal learning environment will help minimize that negative effect.

Employee Burnout

Interactive and engaging: During training, the instructor may keep students’ attention with practical exercises, open discussions, and interactions between instructors and students. To make sure students remember the knowledge, teachers can use learner questions.

Students can contact their instructors for prompt feedback. Besides that, the instructor has the option to modify the curriculum when they can monitor and assess their students in real time.

Teamwork Skill: Teams may learn more effectively with instructor-led instruction because they can collaborate and engage in peer debate. Additionally, it helps with teamwork, team building, and problem-solving. All of this suggests that instructor-led training may offer longer-term advantages than individualized or online instruction.


High implementation costs and time-wasting: Instructor-led training involves ongoing costs, including venue rental, instructor fees, travel costs, lost employee productivity, training supplies, food, drink, etc.

Unpersonalized learning curriculum: It can be challenging to give tailored training when there are multiple students to teach. The ability to accommodate various learning styles might also be challenging.

The limited number of participants: Because instructor-led training courses are typically conducted in small groups, you can only train fewer students at a time; virtual training, such as eLearning, can be used to train large groups simultaneously.

Key differences between Instructor-Led Training (ILT) and Computer-Based Training (CBT)

The comparison table below will show the basic differences of the 3 types of learning

Key differencesInstructor-Led Training (ILT)Computer-Based Training (CBT)
DefinitionTraining that is facilitated by an instructor, whether it be online or in a classroom environment.Computer-based training (CBT) is any course of instruction whose primary delivery method is through a computer.
Engaging and InteractiveTraditional ILTs rely on the instructor’s expertise and responsiveness to assist learners with their questions.The user can pause, conduct further research, or take breaks as necessary.

However, interaction and the chance to receive some help with queries and practical exercises are lacking in this situation.

Independent study SupportNot suited to independent study.You can customize these self-paced, on-demand courses to meet your company’s needs. They can be prepared beforehand and modified on the spot as necessary.
Time FlexibilityIt relies on a timetable that helps learners and instructors manage their time.It can occur at any time of day because there is no requirement for a physical meeting between the instructor and the student.

How to create instructor-led training?

Every organization has its own set of technical challenges, business goals, brand, and culture. When developing a successful ILT program, each of these aspects must be considered. 

So, rather than asking “what is instructor-led training?” Perhaps a better question is “how can I begin my ILT program right now?

Creating an instructor-led training program, either in person or virtually, enables L&D teams to add value to both the company and its teams. Here is a 4 steps guide that you can rely on for the best instructor-led training.

  • Step 1: Meet with an instructor-led training partner to assess your needs, business goals, challenges, and other success factors.
  • Step 2: Create a custom ILT solution that addresses those requirements.
  • Step 3: Create the instructor-led content and materials.
  • Step 4: Deliver ILT content while measuring and adjusting performance when training is completed/measured.
  • Step 5: Practice. . .Practice and practice . . .

This should be considered when developing an instructor-led training program that is designed to provide ongoing services to learners. An effective ILT program must be learning-inspired, aligned with company goals, and designed for the specific needs of each group.

Final Word

Creating a successful instructor-led training requires a lot of effort and costs as well, so partnering with experienced ILT creators could be a great choice.

Choose a partner who comprehends the special requirements of your business, creates the greatest ILT program to meet those requirements, and can distinctly articulate verifiable training outcomes.

To guarantee long-term support and outcomes for any training program implemented, they should also be dedicated to a continuing partnership with your L&D team.

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